We work very closely with chosen suppliers to serve our clients. If you would like to add your company to our database please get in touch using the form on the right.
Before adding to our database we check the authenticity and suitability of each company. Successful companies will receive notification that your business has been added to our databas. Please note that being on our database does not guarantee work or referrals.
Our partnership scheme is for suppliers to the luxury market and one step up from a supplier. This is where we work closer together for mutual referrals to deliver outstanding service to our clients.
This includes set up, adding your company to our database, priority listing when requests come in for review by our Lifestyle Managers, and a single marketing promotion to our base via email or social media. Our partners also do the same for our company.
To sign up we check all companies and you must have been trading for at least 12 months with proven track record and reputation. To sign up to the program please complete the form on the right. You will be notified within 7 business days of your application. Everyone receives feedback on inquiries we receive.
Our team is growing.
Elite Booking is seeking driven, creative and talented individuals from across the globe to join our dynamic business: If you’re considering a career change or looking to advance within the hospitality and lifestyle industry, please take a moment to reach out with your CV or leave an open application if not exactly the position of job is available!